Healing Hydration

TLC 4: Healing Hydration

Quench your body’s thirst with healing hydration. Along with feeding your body right with whole foods from the Definition Diet, there’s another step you must take to function at an optimal level and buy canada viagra brand tablets to look and feel great: drink water and lots of it. Drinking water may sound like an oversimplified Total Life Change, but it is necessary to stop the negative effects of aging. Nearly two thirds of the human body is made up of water and fluid. This includes 90 percent of blood, 80 percent of the brain, 73 percent of muscle, 60 percent of skin, and 22 percent of bone. When you go for as little as a few hours without replenishing the water in your body, it impacts all your body’s processes, even causing dehydration, characterized by headaches, fatigue, the feeling of extreme hunger, and foggy memory.

As we get older, we begin to dry out, leading to flaky and wrinkled skin, constipation, reduced mucus and saliva, and even joint aches and pains. With age we also lose sensitivity in our thirst mechanism—which is why having a regular schedule to drink water each day is vital to ensure thorough hydration. In the 24 Hour Turnaround, I give you a hydration personal prescription and schedule, along with the facts about fluids and free samples diflucan your health that will impact your life (and your family’s life).

Get Started Today: Water water everywhere.

Hydrate to Lose Weight

  • Proteins and enzymes of the body function more
    efficiently in solutions that are water-dense.
    This means that your rate of burning old fat is
    going to go up.
  • Liver function is boosted to its fat-burning max.
  • Water fills you up so you eat less.

Hydration Turnaround Tip. I want you to start hydrating your body today by drinking at least 10 glasses of water by bedtime. It’s no news that most of us, even the most health-conscious people, forget one of the most life-supporting substances: water. As I explain in detail in TLC 4, water cleanses your system, detoxifies your cells, and acts as a giant cooling system to regulate your body temperature and carry oxygen and nutrients to all the thirsty cells.

Starting right now, I want you to drink a tall glass of water. If you’d like, keep fresh lemon slices in the refrigerator to use for added flavor in your water. (Bonus: lemon has proven antiviral and antibacterial properties.) In one hour, have another glass of water. Now you’ve had two glasses of water, and you are well on your way to healing your dehydrated body. If you are reading this in the middle of the day, have 16 ounces (two cups) right now. Aim for eight ounces (one cup) every hour until bedtime. Keep drinking until your urine is clear.

If you still have a thirst indicator you are lucky—most of us don’t. A lifetime of not drinking enough water has desensitized us to our actual level of need. Learn to re-activate your sensitive thirst detector, and drink before you think you are thirsty.

Chlorine Alert — Protect yourself and your children.

“I have a love affair with water. I love to be in it; I live next to it; and drinking more than ten glasses of it each day has kept me lean, young looking, and healthy.”

Up to two-thirds of our harmful exposure to chlorine comes from breathing the steam during that hot shower or bath and the absorption of the chlorine compounds through the skin. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and buy cheap lasix canada reallifemedia.net allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in business plan sample for water refilling station. The steam our kids inhale while soaking in that tub can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than drinking tap water due to the fact that chlorine starts to vaporize almost immediately. Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream. When we drink chlorinated water, the toxins are partially filtered out by our kidneys and digestive system—I’m not recommending that you ask your kidneys to do this. The chlorine vapors are a strong irritant to the sensitive tissue and bronchial passages inside our lungs—so much so, that chlorine was used as a chemical weapon in World War II. The inhalation of chlorine is a suspected cause of asthma and bronchitis, especially in children.

Chlorine in shower water also has a very negative effect on our skin and hair, depleting them of moisture and elasticity and leaving them with a dull, dry appearance. Take a closer look at your kids when they come out of the swimming pool and elizabethcemborain.com kamagra have discolored hair, red eyes, and flaky skin. Now here’s the really bad news: we usually have higher levels of chlorine in our tap water than the recommended safe level for swimming pools. Unreal? If you don’t smell the chlorine when you pour a glass of water, that’s because your glass of chlorinated water is miniscule compared to the pool you swim in. Nonetheless, chlorine is in the tap water and is toxic to your system.

There are organizations that are fighting for the elimination of chlorine in our water supply, but unfortunately we know the consequences could be devastating to our health, because of the harmful bacteria and water-borne diseases. So how do we protect ourselves? We can remove the chlorine from the water we drink, shower, and bathe in using one of the inexpensive home water filters that are made for this purpose. Order a home water filter today!