Spa Info

I believe that the 8 Total Life Changes are mandatory to looking and discount au clomid feeling young. But let’s face facts-life sometimes gets extremely hurried and harried. As a very busy professional and parent, I know that there is a huge advantage in taking time off away from home and work responsibilities to focus on personal health and fitness. I regularly take the sale ca flagyl time to enjoy the luxurious amenities the spa has to offer, whether for an anti-aging enzyme facial, a Trager treatment, a lava rock massage, or a meditative yoga class.

To balance the mind and body, replenish your energy sources, loose weight, destress, and turn your life style around – there is nothing better than a Spa experience. I recommend a destination or resort spa with natural surroundings to help you truly escape the routine at home and reset your bodies natural rhythms. You can find a spa that is a perfect choice for active families, couples, close friends, or even a corporate retreat.

Spa Fitness, Weight Loss and Wellness in Hawaii

The spa experience in Hawaii can be particularly healing. In keeping with the spirit of the Island, the spa implements “ho ‘oponopono,”which is the Hawaiian word for “a therapeutic dimension of feeling that inspires healing of body and diflucan mind.” You may think I am partial to this island because I practice here, but it’s just the opposite. I practice here because it is an environment that embraces and enhances fitness and wellness. Whether you choose to canoe on the ocean, swim with the dolphins, practice yoga watching the whales, or hike in the exotic rainforest – you will have an experience that you will never forget. The Hawaiian experience offers a warm and sunny climate, and the ocean produces “negative air ionization.” Both bright light and ions have been shown to boost mood and act as antidepressants. Besides improving your mood, the ions also stimulate your immune system. Or if you just have the winter blues, which can lead to excessive eating and weight gain, the Island spa experience lets you combine your vacation and buy cheapest priligy au a spa get-away for a 24-Hour Turnaround. And-lest I fail to mention–Hawaii is a very romantic place!

Click here to find out about our coming Spa Retreats in Hawaii.

Destination Spas

The essential difference between a destination spa experience and other spas is focus. At a destination spa there are no distractions, and your stay is devoted to your personal health, relaxation, weight loss, hormone balancing, stress reduction, and education. Some spas offer outdoor activities such as nature hikes, horseback riding, snow skiing, or sailing, while others focus on mind/body healing with yoga, meditation, and relaxation classes. Destination spas are usually located in spacious and nurturing settings, such as the pristine islands of Hawaii, a Colorado mountainside, or a remote country estate in Vermont. If privacy, personal pampering, and exclusivity are what you’re looking for, we can book you into a luxury home or condo in Hawaii and all of your services can come to you. We will plan your experience in advance to most efficiently accomplish your goals, whether they are weight loss, stress reduction, wellness, or improved fitness. Click here to contact Jay for more information.

Resort Spas

If you plan on taking your spouse or the whole family, or if you want a more flexible schedule with time for day trips, shopping, and sightseeing, then a resort spa might be the perfect choice. A resort spa differs from a destination spa in that the spa is an amenity available to guests within the traditional resort setting. Your accommodations and meal service are typically integrated within the hotel and common restaurants. (Make sure to choose a resort that has a special ‘spa cuisine’ menu designed by a nutrition expert.)

You can often purchase a spa package at a resort, which might include your room, meals, use of fitness facilities, and spa treatments. (In Hawaii, we do our 24-Hour Turnaround spa package for individuals or corporate groups.) Or, guests can pay for these services separately (a la carte). Many resorts offer packages that combine spa treatments with golf, tennis, water sports, skiing, and other activities and are located within easy distance of tourist attractions, restaurants, and specialty shopping districts

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Get Started Today! In-home Spa Treatment

5-Step Anti-Cellulite Program
One of the most common questions that arises during a spa consultation or seminar is, “How can I get rid of cellulite?” Cellulite, the lumpy fat that is commonly found on the thighs, stomach, and buttocks, is just a fancy name for fat cells that lie directly beneath your skin and the fibrous connective tissue that pulls on them, creating the honeycomb appearance. The amount of cellulite you see is determined by the percentage of fat on your body, your age, the thickness of your skin, and the health of your connective tissue, not the weight on the scale. While there are no miracle products, treatments, or medicines that can eliminate cellulite, there is still some good news: You can reduce and in many cases eliminate cellulite with the proven 5-step program below. Body treatments or endermologie are helpful in reducing the dimpled appearance and carrying the toxins and fluids away from the cells as part of the program, but are not mandatory. A spa trip is the optimal time to start an anti-cellulite program – but here is our home version. Our complete 5-step anti-cellulite program includes:

  • Increased hydration to carry toxins, extra fluids, and fat away from the area and out of the body. Water and green tea are the best sources. (see TLC 4)
  • A low-fat diet with plenty of whole grains to thicken your skin. (see TLC 3)
  • H.E.A.R.T. workouts in Zone One with your TLC 2
  • Dry brushing the skin daily with a soft dry brush made of natural vegetable bristles helps to stimulate the lymph system. Dry brushing of the skin removes dead layers and impurities while also stimulating circulation. At home you can use a brush purchased from the health-food store. Starting from the knees, brush the skin in a circular motion up towards the thighs. Finish with buttocks and stomach area, if needed.
  • Spa cellulite treatments to encourage removal of waste from the area. At home, you can use a stimulation gel or cream on the area after your daily dry brushing. Check our Marketplace.